Training and Attunement
I am dedicated to providing you with the necessary tools you will need to build a firm Reiki foundation rooted in history, traditions, principles, and techniques.
There are 3 level of Reiki: Reiki I (First Degree), Reiki II (Second Degree), and Reiki Master/Teacher.
Each level offers attunements, symbols and a deeper dive into Reiki.
I offer Private In-Person training in Colorado Springs, CO.
If you are interested in learning Reiki I (First Degree) you can book here or see below.​
​If you are interested in learning Reiki II (Second Degree) or Reiki Master/Teacher
please complete the training form at the bottom of the page. ​
In 2025, SLR is considering a group Reiki I & Reiki II training weekend workshops with the option to attend Reiki I (First Degree) only, or combine with Reiki II (Second Degree). If you are interested in a group workshop, you will be able to select your training preference, either private or group, in the
contact form below. If you haven't already subscribed to the website, please SUBSCRIBE HERE
so you don't miss information about the group workshops.

Why I Teach Reiki One-on-One
Choosing to offer one-on-one Reiki training has several advantages that align closely with my personal commitment to maintaining the authenticity and integrity of the Reiki practice. The decision to teach one-on-one emerged gradually as I deepened my understanding of the practice as a Reiki Master Teacher.
There is a profound and personal connection that forms between the student and the teacher, which I believe is essential while a new student is learning and growing in the practice of Reiki. One-on-one training allows me to support the student's overall personal and spiritual development as they learn to integrate Reiki into their daily lives.
My primary goal in teaching privately is to preserve the authenticity and integrity of Reiki. By teaching one-on-one, I can ensure that the process remains genuine and true to the core principles of Reiki. This approach allows me to prioritize the quality of teaching and meet individual needs effectively.
By choosing one-on-one Reiki training, I can offer a more personalized, focused, and authentic learning experience, aligning with my personal values and ensuring that each student receives the full benefit of my expertise and guidance.
The Reiki Attunement Process
The Reiki attunement process is a sacred and transformative ceremony that opens the channels within a student to allow the flow of Reiki energy. This process is essential for becoming a Reiki practitioner. The attunement process is considered sacred; therefore, this is a very brief explanation of the attunement process. Students will learn more during training and as they advance in the degrees of Reiki.
During an attunement, the student is seated on a chair with their feet flat on the floor. The Reiki Master Teacher uses mudras, breathwork, intentions, symbols, and calls upon their spiritual team to extend the Reiki teachings into their lineage.
In the days following the attunement, you may experience a process of detoxing and coming into alignment with yourself that can include: feeling tired, sore, or under the weather or you may feel lighter and more vibrant, needing more or less sleep, vivid dreams, synchronicities, and heightened intuition, an awakening to your purpose and passions, learn more about yourself (mind, body, emotions),
acknowledgement of emotions that were previously suppressed, need for alone time or boundaries, and/or self-acceptance for yourself and your past. These are examples of what others have experienced. You may experience nothing at all, and that is fine too! The Reiki will be there.
The Reiki attunement process is a profound initiation into the practice of Reiki. It aligns the student’s energy with the universal life force, enabling them to channel healing energy for themselves and others. The careful preparation, sacred ceremony, and ongoing support provided by the teacher ensure that the student can fully integrate and utilize this powerful healing modality.
Reiki Level One
(First Degree)
Experience Reiki in Reiki Level I (First Degree) training. In this training, you will learn the foundational principles of Reiki and how to perform Reiki on yourself. This private setting ensures personalized attention and guidance as you embark on this journey of healing and self-discovery.
In First Degree Reiki, you begin developing a connection with Reiki for relaxation and personal healing. You will learn the foundations and history of Reiki, including how Reiki works, the energy system and chakras. In First Degree Reiki you start building a firm foundation of practice by offering Reiki to ourselves. During training you will receive your first self-session.
Course Requirements: Have at least one 60-minute Reiki session from any practitioner.
Make a commitment to practicing self-Reiki beginning in class with a minimum of 20 minutes daily. ​​
Upcoming Training Dates

Reiki Training (Level One)

Reiki Level Two
(Second Degree)
Deepen your Reiki practice with the Reiki II (Second Degree) training. This training will take your Reiki I training to the next level, teaching you advanced techniques and symbols to enhance your abilities. Whether you're looking to pursue a career as a Reiki practitioner or simply want to deepen your spiritual practice, this workshop is perfect for you.
In Second Degree Reiki, you continue to build a firm Reiki foundation by continuing self-Reiki and empower your practice with the applied use of three Usui Reiki Symbols. You will practice techniques using these sacred symbols to increase your the power of Reiki. You will learn and practice offering distance Reiki as you enhance your intuition and develop techniques.
Course Requirements: Reiki Level One (First Degree) Training
$385 - 6 Hour Class
Reiki Master/Teacher
Embarking on the journey of a Reiki Master/Teacher is a transformative experience that allows you to deepen your Reiki practice and expand your abilities. Reiki Master/Teacher training includes learning and applying the Reiki Master symbol, additional techniques to expand your options, and meditation practices to further embody your Reiki presence. You will also learn how to give Reiki attunements, Reiki ethics, and Reiki as a business.
Course Requirements: For Practitioners who have completed Reiki Level One and Level Two attunements and certifications; a 1 on 1 Zoom meeting, where you will show the ability to demonstrate the three Usui Reiki symbols learned in Reiki Level One and Level Two; are able to discuss Reiki energy therapy techniques and methodologies. Share your examples and experiences of both in-person and remote Reiki.
$675 - 8 Hour Class
Brenda Dulin | Reiki Master Teacher | Owner
6015 Lehman Dr | Colorado Springs, CO | 719.828.2501 | brenda@sacredlotusreiki.com
2020-2025 | Sacred Lotus Reiki & Natural Healing LLC | Colorado